Today was an insanely busy day. Besides the fact that it was a Monday, I had to be at the office at 6:30 AM to prepare for a call at 7. Of course, my sleep was restless, waking often to make sure I wouldn't miss my alarm. Ugh - I hate that.
At 5:30 AM, I decided that there was no reason to try to sleep anymore so, I dragged myself out of bed to get ready. I don't care how attractive you are, it's hard to make yourself up at that hour, but I tried. I threw some snacks in my work bag for breakfast and hurried to the office.
Then, on my way to work, I realized that I had forgot my phone. Rats! One of the busiest days on tap and I had forgotten my dang phone! Because I was leading the call at 7, I couldn't turn around and retrieve it so I made the executive decision to go phoneless - it was unnerving.
At work, I prepped quickly for the call and before I knew it, the call was over and I had another hour to prepare for the next meeting. I had made a "to do" list the night before and I quickly scratched off the last minute details. I finished my list, prepped my out of office email and bolted out the door on my way to Staples to pick up an easel pad for the group to use.
I got to Staples without incidence and continued to follow the directions to the meeting. To my dismay, the directions to the building and parking were not very clear. My heart sank since I had been responsible for setting up the meeting location as well as connecting my colleagues coming into town with these directions. It took me two trips into garages that I had to back out of before I found one to park in.
Once parked, I grabbed my bags and the new easel pad and walked a block to the building where the meeting was being held. I quickly realized that it was going to be an ordeal getting our entire group up to the conference room as the building was secure and we had to be escorted by someone with a badge up to the room. While slightly annoying, it wasn't the end of the world and we only had to make a few trips before the room was full and the meeting was underway.
I felt such great relief once the meeting started since everyone had found the building and we were off to a great start. I sat back in my chair and listened a bit. I had chosen a seat on the corner of the table, so I placed my papers and things on the table, crossed my legs and was settling in. Unfortunately, the room was a bit small for our group, so we were all crowded around the table and my leg was resting against the leg of the table.
While getting comfortable in my seat, I leaned to my left to tuck my skirt under my leg and my boot rubbed up against the leg of the table.
You do the math:
Fake leather + rubbing against a metal table leg = farting sound.
Seriously! Did I have to be leaning to my left when the sound was made!? Really!
You just never know when the next moment will be a moment of embarrassing hilarity or a ready made serving of humble pie :) Eat up, Trace!